Project “Sustainable Livestock Production and Animal Welfare”




Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European. Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

“Sustainable Livestock Production and Animal Welfare” (SuLAWe)
Funded by the European Commission within the Erasmus+ Programme

Key Action: Capacity-Building in Higher Education (E+CBHE)

Project reference number: 101083023 — SULAWE — ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE


Start of the Project: 01.01.2023

End of the Project: 31.12.2025

All project details and the project results can be found there:

Project website:

Project summary


The project addresses the demand of educating professionals in Animal Breeding and Livestock

Production on high quality and international standards to provide solutions for sustainable livestock production, animal welfare and combating climate change towards achievement of climate neutrality according to the European Green Deal 2050.

A combination of innovative and practice-oriented higher education of young livestock and veterinary specialists, along with a Lifelong Learning (LLL) concept for practicing livestock producers shall provide the requirements necessary for introducing knowledge based solutions into Ukrainian livestock sector.



The consortium puts special emphasis on the cooperation between HEIs, business sector and political and social stakeholders. Therefore, the specific objectives are as follows:


  • To modernize Master’s curricula in Animal Breeding, Livestock Production and Veterinary Sciences via joint development and implementation of innovative contents on animal welfare and sustainable livestock production, capacity building of teaching staff and introducing innovative didactic methods.
  • To strengthen cooperation between HEIs and agricultural business sector via cooperation on
  • students’ practical training, LLL and knowledge-transfer activities to provide labor-market oriented education and improve employability of graduates.
  • To establish four innovative centers of excellence for LLL at Ukrainian HEIs in (i) Sustainable Cattle Breeding and Milk Production, (ii) Sustainable Poultry Production and (iii) Sustainable Pig Farming together with an (iv) Information and Knowledge Transfer Center for Sustainable Livestock Production and Animal Welfare.
  • To promote dialogue with policy and civil society to ensure successful implementation of animal welfare standards into the Ukrainian legislation.
  • To facilitate national and international academic exchange via introducing physical and virtual mobility for students among participating HEIs.


List of participating organisations:


  • Hochschule Fuer Wirtschaft Und Umwelt Nuertingen-Geislingen De - Coordinator
  • Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet - Partner
  • Univerza V Ljubljani  - Partner
  • National University Of Life And Environmental Sciences Of Ukraine - Partner
  • Stepan Gzhytskiy National University Of Veterinary Medicine And Biotechnologies Lviv - Partner
  • Poltava State Agrarian University - Partner
  • Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian University - Partner
  • Association of Ukrainian Pig Breeders - Partner
  • Association of Milk Producers - Partner
  • Ukrainian Corporation for the Production of Meat on an Industrial Basis "Tvarinprom" - Partner
  • Scientific and methodological center for higher and pre-higher education - Partner
  • Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Ukraine - Associated partner





Working group



Oleg Gorb

Vice-Rector for scientific-pedagogical,
scientific work, Associate Professor

Anatolii Shostia

Dean of the Technology of Production and Processing of Livestock
Products Faculty, Professor

Oksana Kravchenko

Professor at the Department of technology of livestock products production,

Svitlana Usenko

Head of the Department of animal productivity biology
named after academician O.V. Kvasnytskyi

Larysa Kuzmenko

Professor at the Department of animal productivity biology
named after academician O.V. Kvasnytskyi

Maksym Petrenko

Associate Professor at the Department of infectious pathology,
hygiene, sanitation and biosafety

Inna Lavrinenko

Associate Professor at the Department of infectious pathology,
hygiene, sanitation and biosafety

Yuliia Vakulenko

Head of the educational and scientific center of information and
communication educational technologies and adult education

Pavlo Vashchenko

Professor at the department Production technologies of
Livestock products

Serhii Kulynych

Faculty of Veterenary Medicine,
Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor

Tetiana Kapitalova

Head of International Relations Office, Project administrator

Olena Smirnova

specialist of International Relations Office



Prof. Dr. sc. agr. Heinrich Schuele

Faculty of Agriculture, Economics and Management

Institute for Farm Management

Tel: +49 7022 201480



Sara Anna Pfaff (M.Sc.)

Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen

Hechinger Str.12 | 72622 Nürtingen | Campus CI8 115

Tel: 07022/201-254 | Mobil 015770358126



Olga Getya

Cheaf of international relations department

Tel. +38 0974489665



Liudmyla Stepura

Methodologist of international relations department

Tel: +38 0673088344




Project activities